Thursday, February 27, 2020

Compare and Contrast the poems Emily Dickinson because I could not Essay - 1

Compare and Contrast the poems Emily Dickinson because I could not stop for death and A.E Houseman immortal parts - Essay Example For instance, the analysis of death in both is examined from a solemn point of view. Dickinson uses symbolism and allegory to communicate the futility of life when death strikes (Holden and Birch 113). There is the use of humanism to make death animate especially as noted in the first stanza, second line. The persona depicts the powerful nature of death to pluck humanity from their comfortable environments to a state of oblivion. In other words, Dickinson’s use of allegory takes the form of being powerless in the presence of death. On the other hand, A.E Housman uses phonological sounds such as consonance, alliteration and assonance to reveal the permanency of death. In the first stanza, he uses the morning dream and night to dream to reveal the times of life that are affected by death. Additionally, in the superseding lines he uses say and day that are both consonance and assonance in the representation of the futility of life. There is also the use of symbolism in the third stanza when he explains about a tongue that speaks with lungs that shout. This is another revelation of how death is treated with respect and reverence in the lives of both personas in the poems. However, it is also noteworthy to observe the use of metonym in the poems to explain the internal and external repercussions of death. For example, in ‘The Immortal Part’ by A.E. Housman, he describes a brain that hums hive of dreams in the last line of the third stanza. This is a clear indication of the fundamental roles played by the brain for human judgment in life. Apparently, this is also manifested in Emily Dickinson’s poem where she talks about a death that did not acknowledge hurry in the first line, second stanza (Christensen 139). Another significant comparison is based on the use of personification and iambic pentameter to communicate the theme therein. For instance,

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