Thursday, February 27, 2020

Compare and Contrast the poems Emily Dickinson because I could not Essay - 1

Compare and Contrast the poems Emily Dickinson because I could not stop for death and A.E Houseman immortal parts - Essay Example For instance, the analysis of death in both is examined from a solemn point of view. Dickinson uses symbolism and allegory to communicate the futility of life when death strikes (Holden and Birch 113). There is the use of humanism to make death animate especially as noted in the first stanza, second line. The persona depicts the powerful nature of death to pluck humanity from their comfortable environments to a state of oblivion. In other words, Dickinson’s use of allegory takes the form of being powerless in the presence of death. On the other hand, A.E Housman uses phonological sounds such as consonance, alliteration and assonance to reveal the permanency of death. In the first stanza, he uses the morning dream and night to dream to reveal the times of life that are affected by death. Additionally, in the superseding lines he uses say and day that are both consonance and assonance in the representation of the futility of life. There is also the use of symbolism in the third stanza when he explains about a tongue that speaks with lungs that shout. This is another revelation of how death is treated with respect and reverence in the lives of both personas in the poems. However, it is also noteworthy to observe the use of metonym in the poems to explain the internal and external repercussions of death. For example, in ‘The Immortal Part’ by A.E. Housman, he describes a brain that hums hive of dreams in the last line of the third stanza. This is a clear indication of the fundamental roles played by the brain for human judgment in life. Apparently, this is also manifested in Emily Dickinson’s poem where she talks about a death that did not acknowledge hurry in the first line, second stanza (Christensen 139). Another significant comparison is based on the use of personification and iambic pentameter to communicate the theme therein. For instance,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Motivation and Work Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Motivation and Work Design - Essay Example This paper discusses the motivators’ significance and outline ways by which employers can design job roles to take account of individual motivations. Significance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation Many motivational theories exist that offer bases for understanding effects of motivational factors and strategies for moderating the effects as well as ways for monitoring effects of the factors. Theory X and theory Y, as McGregor offers, is one of such theories. The theory establishes assumptions on human behaviour to develop a framework for understanding people in a work environment and to influence actions and behaviour of the people towards desired outcomes. Theory X assumes that people are not willing to conform to expectations and calls for managers and organizations’ control of people for achievement of objectives. It therefore suggests guidelines that can be attained through push factors such as punitive measures for failure to comply. Theory Y however argues for responsible behaviour and actions in which people can align them to set goals in their organizations and work towards realization of the goals (Saiyadain 2009, p. 167). According to Theory X, people do not like work and this means that external influence is necessary to influence completion of desired works. The theory also assumes that people are less ambitious and do not like responsibilities. Instead, they prefer to work under control. In addition, people lack creativity into completing tasks and generating solutions into problems to support the postulate of necessity of external influence. In recognition of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Theory X assumes that people are motivated at â€Å"physiological and safety levels† (Saiyadain 2009, p. 167). Intimidation is further necessary on people in order to ensure achievement or objectives. A consideration of Theory Y assumptions however recognizes people’s willingness to work if suitable conditions exist. Co ntrary to external pressure to influencing organizational objectives, Theory Y assumes that people are able to exercise self-control in operations for achieving set goals. Creativity towards problem solution is also assumed to be evenly distributed among all members of an organization. Another difference between Theory X and Theory Y is that Theory Y assumes motivation at all levels of Maslow’s hierarchy. In addition, motivating people, under the theory, leads to self-management and creativity that can facilitate success (Saiyadain 2009, p. 167). The scopes of intrinsic and extrinsic motivators are one of the based for understanding their significance. Intrinsic motivators exist within a person and their driving force establishes their significance. One of the examples of intrinsic motivators is the desire to fulfil needs such as basic needs and establishes significance of the motivators through a push effect. Once a need is identified, a person works hard to fulfil the need for self-satisfaction and this is consistent with Maslow’s postulate that human beings are motivated to fulfil their needs. Self-utility needs such as need to feel a sense of self esteem, happiness, and pride are other factors to intrinsic motivation through change in behaviour and the intrinsic rewards establish significance of intrinsic motivators. This is because people are conscious of their needs and once the needs