Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ford and G.M. Lose Grounds to Imports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ford and G.M. Lose Grounds to Imports - Essay Example companies, which has resulted in dwindling of the market share of the â€Å"Big Three†, with particular emphasis on the car segment of the auto industry, and forcing the â€Å"Big Three† to respond in an attempt to hold on to the large market share. In spite of such efforts the Japanese auto manufacturer Toyota in October 2004 forged its way into the top three largest auto sellers in the United States of America, displacing Chrysler from this prestigious position. This event has led to the speculation that the structure of the U.S. auto industry is likely to see a change, wherein Japanese auto manufacturers are likely to rub shoulders with the traditional â€Å"Big Three† manufacturers of General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. (1). The Japanese auto manufacturers have started edging towards and past the three big American auto manufacturers in terms of market share. There are two possible key factors involved in the pull of the American customer towards Japanese auto products. The first is the Japanese auto products are more economical than the American products, which is related to the strategies employed by the Japanese in boosting the productivity of their employees and cutting manufacturing costs. In the current scenario of job insecurity, investment in the purchase of a new vehicle is bound to be conditioned by the worsening economic scenario. The second possible factor is related to the rising costs of petroleum products. Japanese cars are less of gasoline guzzlers in comparison to the American cars, and with rising fuel prices and unstable incomes the Japanese auto products are more attractive to the American customers. This is reflected in the continuing rise in the sales of Japanese auto products in s pite of the response of incentives by the American auto manufacturers. (1). Put in a nutshell, we may take the game theory as an attempt to explain the strategic actions in a competitive environment and the gains and losses that could emanate from these actions

Monday, October 28, 2019

Taxation Tasks Essay Example for Free

Taxation Tasks Essay 1) Patty owned Patty’s Cakes in Jacksonville, Florida. She sold her business to Fruity’s, Inc. a national pastry company. There was a non-compete agreement in the contract for the sale of her business. In the non-compete, Patty agreed not to work in any capacity in the food industry for 10 years on the entire east coast. A court would likely determine that the non-compete agreement a) violates federal law b) is unenforceable c) is enforceable d) both A and B 2) A liability that may extend from an employee to the employer if the employee is acting within the scope of his or her employment at the time the liability arose is called: a) vicarious liability b) employee liability c) employer liability d) adverse liability 3) A person who contracts with a principal to perform a task according to her or his own methods, and who is not under the principal’s control regarding the physical details of the work is called a/an: a) Contingent worker b) Temporary worker c) Independent contractor d) All of the above 4) Benita works as a nursing assistant in a retirement home run by Cottonwood Care Centers, a national operator of facilities providing care for the elderly. Benita works 53 hours a week. After looking at her payroll stubs for the past 6 months, she concludes that she has not received sufficient overtime pay. She complains to her supervisor but the company takes no action. a) Benita can bring a complaint to the National Labor Relations Board under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) b) Benita can bring a complaint to the U.S. Department of Labor, under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA) c) Benita can bring a complaint to the U.S. Department of Labor, under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). d) Benita can bring a complaint to the U.S. Department of Labor, under Executive Order 11246 5) Ling frequently stocks shelves for Ace’s Market on an as needed basis. Ace pays Ling $5 per shelf. One day Ling falls off a broken ladder while stocking a shelf. Line is seriously injured: a) If Ling is determined to be an independent contractor, he is eligible for workers’ compensation b) If Ling is determined to be an employee, he is eligible for workers’ compensation c) Ling is eligible for workers’ compensation whether he is an employee or an independent contractor d) None of the above 6) ABC, Inc. solicited bids from various independent contractors to landscape the grounds of its new office complex. Drew, head of facilities management told Patty, his secretary, that he would not accept any bids from Hispanic contractors. Drew explained that he would authorize hiring only American contractors to work on the grounds. A Hispanic contractor brings a lawsuit against ABC for discriminations. a) Drew’s refusal to hire Hispanic companies is a violation of the Independent Contractors Act of 2006. b) Drew’s refusal to hire Hispanic companies is a violation of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act c) The Hispanic contractor cannot prevail in a discrimination case because John’s conversation with his secretary is confidential and cannot be used as evidence. d) Drew’s refusal to hire Hispanic companies is not a violation of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act because that law does not cover discrimination against independent contractors. 7) BRC Partners is a consulting firm. Sam and Arnie are analysts for BRC. Sam was hired as an employee and Arnie was hired as an independent contractor. They both work in the same BRC office under the same supervisor. They both must work Monday through Friday during the standard business hours. Both are required to report to weekly staff meetings. Sam is paid a salary and the proper federal and state tax withholdings are made. Arnie does not receive benefits like retirement and health insurance and his is paid by the project with no federal and state withholdings. Arnie signed a contract that clearly stated he was an independent contractor and not an employee. a) BRC has properly classified Arnie as an independent contractor b) BRC has improperly classified Arnie as an independent contractor c) BRC has improperly classified Arnie as an independent contractor, however, its contract with Arnie is binding and BRC will have no liability under federal or state law for the misclassification. d) BRC has improperly classified Arnie as a independent contractor, however, its contract with Arnie is binding and BRC will have no liability under federal and state law for the misclassification, but Arnie will have liability under federal and state law. 8) Pilar is hired by Axel, Inc. as an independent contractor. To avoid a determination by the IRS that Pilar has been misclassified as an independent contractor, Axel should: a) provide training to Pilar b) pay her by the hour c) pay FICA d) none of the above 9) Clarence works as an independent contractor for the law firm of Kafka, Rivera and Grisham. a) Clarence will be responsible for making payments for his Social Security (FICA), estimated federal income tax payments, estimated state income tax payments and Medicare. b) Clarence will be responsible for making payments for his FICA and Medicare and the law firm will be responsible for withholding payroll deductions for his federal and state income taxes. c) Clarence will be responsible for making payments for his Social Security (FICA) and Medicare, but the law firm will be responsible for making estimated federal income tax payments, estimated state income tax payments for him. d) Clarence will be responsible for making payments for his Social Security (FICA), withholding deductions for his federal and state income taxes and Medicare. 10) Which of the following is not covered by the EEOC’s definition of contingent worker? a) an employee hired through a staffing firm b) a temporary, seasonal, or part-time worker c) an applicant d) an independent contractor

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Controversial Relationship between Early Humans and their Environment :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation

The Controversial Relationship between Early Humans and their Environment In the very beginning of human history, there was no clear separation between man and nature. Early humans’ way of living was in unison with their environment and it is likely that it was pleasurable as well. Humans supported themselves by hunting and gathering and due to their small population size and density, they were able to sustain themselves without too much effort. Thomas Hobbes claims that the life of early humans was â€Å"nasty, brutish and short†, but modern theories reject such viewpoint (Ponting, p.19). Unfortunately, there is little direct evidence that shows what daily human life was like hundreds of years ago. Therefore, anthropologists and historians use studies on African tribes and Aborigines to build theories about the customs of early humans. Of course, such an extrapolation is not very reliable, but it is as close as one can get to the truth. It would not be too flattering for early humans to claim that they had a very modest and conscientious way of life. The tropical climate was very benign toward all forms of life, so humans did not have to preoccupy themselves with storage or conservation of food. Fresh plants were available and plentiful all year round, so obtaining food was not the main human concern. Judging from the diet of the bushmen in Africa, early humans probably had more nutritious and balanced meals than modern humans. As Ponting points out in his book, Green History of the World, the African bushmen consume the nuts of the mongongo tree, which adequately meet their nutritious and energy needs. Since the mongongo nuts are abundant and easy to gather, the bushmen have a steady source of food which they can rely on for subsistence. It can be concluded that early humans followed a similar pattern of behavior. They used gathering of plant material as main food source, because hunting was much more difficult and less efficient. According to Ponting, one out of ten attempts to kill an animal was successful, therefore hunting was used solely to complement the fresh provisions. Since early humans were completely dependent on their environment for survival, they carefully used the available resources without overstressing them. They took from nature as much as they needed, not only to protect it, but also to save time. Bushmen value food and leisure time equally, that’s why it is fair to suppose that early humans harvested only as much as they could consume, so that they can enjoy the rest of their time. The Controversial Relationship between Early Humans and their Environment :: Environment Environmental Pollution Preservation The Controversial Relationship between Early Humans and their Environment In the very beginning of human history, there was no clear separation between man and nature. Early humans’ way of living was in unison with their environment and it is likely that it was pleasurable as well. Humans supported themselves by hunting and gathering and due to their small population size and density, they were able to sustain themselves without too much effort. Thomas Hobbes claims that the life of early humans was â€Å"nasty, brutish and short†, but modern theories reject such viewpoint (Ponting, p.19). Unfortunately, there is little direct evidence that shows what daily human life was like hundreds of years ago. Therefore, anthropologists and historians use studies on African tribes and Aborigines to build theories about the customs of early humans. Of course, such an extrapolation is not very reliable, but it is as close as one can get to the truth. It would not be too flattering for early humans to claim that they had a very modest and conscientious way of life. The tropical climate was very benign toward all forms of life, so humans did not have to preoccupy themselves with storage or conservation of food. Fresh plants were available and plentiful all year round, so obtaining food was not the main human concern. Judging from the diet of the bushmen in Africa, early humans probably had more nutritious and balanced meals than modern humans. As Ponting points out in his book, Green History of the World, the African bushmen consume the nuts of the mongongo tree, which adequately meet their nutritious and energy needs. Since the mongongo nuts are abundant and easy to gather, the bushmen have a steady source of food which they can rely on for subsistence. It can be concluded that early humans followed a similar pattern of behavior. They used gathering of plant material as main food source, because hunting was much more difficult and less efficient. According to Ponting, one out of ten attempts to kill an animal was successful, therefore hunting was used solely to complement the fresh provisions. Since early humans were completely dependent on their environment for survival, they carefully used the available resources without overstressing them. They took from nature as much as they needed, not only to protect it, but also to save time. Bushmen value food and leisure time equally, that’s why it is fair to suppose that early humans harvested only as much as they could consume, so that they can enjoy the rest of their time.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Catherine Lucille Moores Shambleu and Greek Mythology :: Science Fiction Greece Myth Essays

Catherine Lucille Moore's Shambleu and Greek Mythology Throughout history, humans have had legends, myths and folk tales. Many of these dealt with monsters that cannot be found on the planet Earth, at least any more, especially the myths of ancient Greece. In such cases, there can be a fine line between where myth ends and science fiction starts. In Catherine Lucille Moore’s short story "Shambleau," one such myth crosses that line. That myth is the ancient Greek myth of the Gorgons. Gorgons had snakes for hair and could turn anyone into stone by looking at them in the eyes. "Shambleau" tells the tail of something very much like a Gorgon with snakes as its hair. This creature, called a "Shambleau," comes to and terrorizes a town. In the American Heritage College Dictionary, myth is defined as: "A traditional story dealing with supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes that informs or shapes the world view of a people" (903). The same dictionary has science fiction defined as: "A literary genre in which the plot is typically based on†¦space travel, or life on other planets" (1221). Both definitions deal with life that is not natural to Earth. While the origins of such creatures may be different, they both deal with non-human sentient beings. Several science fiction stories deal with extraterrestrials visiting Earth in what humans would call the "Ancient" era and becoming part of a culture’s mythology. Then they might come back in the "Modern" era. One such story is Moore’s "Shambleau." Gorgons from ancient Greek mythology are creatures who look human but have snakes for hair and can make anyone or anything that looks them in the eye turn into stone. In "Shambleau," a female extraterrestrial, resembling a Gorgon but with subtle differences, terrorizes a town. A man, not knowing what she is or what she does, tries to protect her from an angry mob until he finds out her true intentions. The story ends with him promising to go off and kill her. However, it is said that she does something to humans which is like an addictive drug. Unlike a Gorgon, however, she had feline qualities such as "three fingers and a thumb, and her feet had four digits apiece too, and all sixteen of them were tipped with round claws that sheathed back into the flesh" (528). Yet, like a Gorgon, she had hair that "squirmed of itself against her cheek" (531).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Paper Planes

A striking intro together with a captivating chorus that harmoniously complements every line from the verse are some of the usual elements that make a song popular.However, while elements, such as lyrics, contribute to a song’s appeal to the mass audience, elements can also serve as tools to state a singer’s opinion on relevant social matters.   The song Paper Planes by singer M.I.A, for instance, uses the song’s lyrical content to attack the established systems that have become destructive for humankindSuperficially, the song infers to the absurdity of the unyielding problem of prejudice in the dominant western world.   The words such as if you catch me at the border, I got visas in my name, in the first two verses of the song blatantly brings forth the most unimaginable a person can have in a in a foreign land.   Particularly in the United States where immigrants are stereotypically associated to criminal activities such as terrorism, murder, violence, an d illegal substance transactions.The sound of four consecutive gunshots intertwined with a ring of a cash register and a choral of children most blatantly serves Paper Planes’ attack on the immorality of racial prejudice.   The infusion of the aforementioned sound effects with the lines all I wanna do is, and take your money, the song disparages the prevalent collective neurosis that most robberies and crimes perpetrated across the United States are done by foreigners.However, the song goes deeper than the literal meaning of the words used in its lyrics.   As much as Paper Planes blatantly hints at the prejudice within American soil, it also criticizes the violence and the exploitation of human achievements such as technology to spread chaos, two destructive acts that has become rampant in modern society.  M.I.A. has stressed on such disparagement through the words no one in the corner has swagger like us, hit me on my burner, prepaid and wireless.   We pack and deliv er like UPS trucks, already going hell just pumping that gas.Likewise, M.I.A’s Paper Planes also manifests an opposition against the alleged good qualities of capitalism and consumerist culture that ignores the actual human condition while tolerating war and violence.The interwoven sounds of gunshots, singing children, and cash register ring together with the repeated verse lines express the futility of war, the degenerative tendency of the predominant practice of private enterprise, as well as psychological effects of violence on adults and children.Unlike other songs that seek the appreciation of the general populace, the lyrical content of Paper Plains metaphorically attacks the current prevalent social norms.   The only problem is that the message it aims to disseminate becomes misconstrued by the very public it wishes to reach out to.   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The circumstances of globalization Essays

The circumstances of globalization Essays The circumstances of globalization Essay The circumstances of globalization Essay Introduction Under the fortunes of globalisation, the demand for high-quality and high- velocity interlingual renditions has been increasing worldwide. Satisfying these demands may ensue of the increasing of clip and cost for transcribers and interlingual rendition companies. Thus how heighten the quality and productiveness with low cost is one of the jobs. In order to accomplish the clip and cost economy, the computing machine assisted interlingual rendition ( CAT ) tools is playing an of import function in interlingual rendition industry. The CAT tools enabling to cover the whole interlingual rendition procedure at a clip has been created and commercialized by the linguistic communication industry in recent decennaries ( Austermuhl, 2001 ) . Amongst interlingual rendition tools, interlingual rendition memory ( TM ) systems are considered as the effectual tools due to increasing interlingual rendition productiveness by offering old interlingual rendition automatically ( Austermuhl, 2001 ) . Howe ver, there are assorted TM systems worldwide and which is the most effectual may change depends on single demands such as linguistic communication system or text types. This essay will try to measure two TM systems, SDL Trados Studio and Wordfast authoritative, by comparing each characteristic of operational maps. To compare and measure two TM systems, the construct of TM systems, characteristics of several TM systems foremost will be explained as background cognition of the treatment in this essay. The lineation of TM systems Translation memory is a database of multilingual texts which allow to storage both the beginning and mark text sections in analogue and retrieved conformity with the set standards ( Austermuhl 2001 cites Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards, EAGLES ) . Namely, the mark text is foremost divided into section units and stored in TM through interlingual rendition procedure. These stored sections are available to be reused for the new interlingual rendition undertaking. If the sections stored in TM are absolutely matched or similar to the new beginning text, TM offers the old interlingual renditions automatically to a transcriber. The transcriber can make up ones mind whether these offered interlingual renditions should be accepted or non. Besides it is possible to revise the old interlingual renditions in TM through and after interlingual rendition. Esselink ( 2000 ) points out some disadvantage of TM as follows: The Final layout of translated text is non displayed until completing the interlingual rendition. In this instance, proofreading after the interlingual rendition is required. Some jobs may happen in TM direction, particularly in the instance of multilingual undertaking. Revising TM after re-converted into the original manner is non available, viz. , in order to update TM, the translated file is required to be converted into TM s acceptable format once more. Time devouring due to the demand of change overing the beginning text into the appropriate format for interlingual rendition. TM filter is non updated when the beginning text is a new file format. As a consequence, some agreement is required in order to be accepted. Changing the construction of the text is non available within paragraph. It is necessary to make the file filter depend on the file format if it is different from the default. Sing above references, he ( 2000 ) suggests that the stuff text should be examined before interlingual rendition, and transcribers should make up ones mind whether to utilize TM, because in some instances, interpreting without TM is more effectual than utilizing TM system. Meanwhile, TM has recognized as effectual and time-saving engineering for monolithic interlingual renditions, particularly proficient or manual text which include some insistent usage of proficient nomenclature ( Mitkov 2007 ) . This is largely due to the effectivity against cut downing duplicative work and to heighten the uniformity of footings. For illustration, in the instance of the uninterrupted interlingual rendition undertaking of the specific field, the TM is offered to the transcriber and the proficient footings will be transferred from TM exactly to the new beginning text. By this agencies, TM allows transcribers to portion the alone nomenclature used in the specific field and contributes to keep the interlingual rendition quality. The specific characteristics of Wordfast Classic TM operational maps Wordfast Classic is defined as a CAT tool designed as a Microsoft Wordâ„ ¢ add-on. Its lightweight, flexible construction makes it easy to put in and utilize ( Wordfast 2010 ) . This CAT tool comprises some utile operational maps, such as nomenclature direction, importing exporting glossary and TM, papers transition, analysis and alliance ( Wordfast 2010 ) . Amongst the operational maps, some good characteristics of Wordfast Classic will be explained here. ITI Bulletin ( 2006 ) points out that Wordfast Classic is simple to utilize, which can non merely use to Word but besides to Power Point, Access and Excel files by linking straight with Word application interface. It is besides compatible with other machine interlingual rendition plans such as PowerTranslatorâ„ ¢ and other CAT tools such as Trados, by change overing TM into another format which is appropriate for several plan and exporting it ( ITI Bulletin 2006 ) . Importing other TM to Wordfast is besides available ( ITI Bulletin 2006 ) . In add-on, alignment map allows redacting the interlingual rendition stored in TM after interlingual rendition. Since this CAT tool is available of free download to have computing machine with some restrictions, those who are sing to utilize this tool can seek and analyze how utile or non for them before paid enrollment ( ITI Bulletin 2006 ) . If download PlusToolsâ„ ¢ and circuit board to the beginning papers, Wordfast Classic is available for a assortment of file format from HTML/ XLM to other labeled files ( Miller 2002 ) . However, there are some of import reminders for utilizing Wordfast Classic. One of them is that it is necessary to make clean-up TM after interlingual rendition for updating the TM database ( Miller 2002 ) . Since database is stored as txt. format, revising the translated text is possible without Wordfast ( Miller 2002 ) . Thus transcribers tend to bury to update TM and glossary. As a consequence, the truth of TM will be lost and TM can non use to other new interlingual rendition undertaking. The specific characteristics of Trados TM operational maps Trados TM which consisting the beginning and mark sections, is created in the Translation Memories position ( Trados 2010 ) . Respective section brace of the beginning and mark is called a interlingual rendition unit and it is possible to add some information for each interlingual rendition unit such as when it was created and updated, and who created it ( Trados 2010 ) . Thus it might be utile to pull off the interlingual rendition history. The interlingual rendition unit is displayed in analogue, which is contributing to comparing of the beginning and mark section when redaction. There are three types of fiting map: fuzzy, context and 100 % lucifer ( Trados 2010 ) . Although the default of Fuzzy fiting rate is set at 70 % or over, this rate is able to be changed ( Trados 2010 ) . Context lucifer is applied when the beginning text and TM section lucifer absolutely and have the same context ( Trados 2010 ) . 100 % lucifer means the beginning text section lucifer precisely with the TM section ( Trados 2010 ) . In footings of the cleavage, Trados can custom-make the cleavage regulations depend on several linguistic communications ; Chinese, French, English, German, Spanish and Japanese, which are supported by Trados ( Trados 2010 ) . Therefore, there is non required to set the cleavage each clip. As mentioned above, fuzzed lucifer is applied when the matching rate is 70 % or over ( Trados 2010 ) . This indicates that if the fiting rate between the beginning and the TM section is less than 70 % , TM will non return any interlingual rendition ( Trados 2010 ) . Therefore, if preferring more or less than 70 % duplicate customise of the fuzzed matching rate should be required. Comparison of characteristic between Wordfast and Trados TM With the avobe description as background, the characteristic of Wordfast and Trados TM will be compared and assessed. First of all, in footings of utilizing TM in othe tranlation tools, both Wordfast and Trados can import/ export TM database by change overing the file type into the acceptable format for several TM. For illustration, Wordfast TM is stored in txt. format, while Trados TM is stored in sdltm. format. If change overing Trados TM to Wardfast, it is necessary to export to a tmx.file. Then open it with MS Word and unfastened Wordfast, so choose it as TM. Likewise, Wordfast besides can export its TM by change overing TM into tmx.format, unfastened Trados, making new empty TM and import the txt.file. Second, although making or opening Wordfast TM is about every bit simple as that of Trados, Trados TM is enriched with assorted optional maps, such as Enable character-based harmony hunt and fuzzed lucifer threshold, compared with Wordfast. However, when compareing the beginning section with mark section for translaiton, Wordfast seems to be more utile than Trados. In wordfast, the section is highlighted with grey colour and it is non allowed to leap sentences till snap the icon which represent to confirmation each clip. By contrast, Trados does non hold any specific maps which privent from traveling to the following section. As a consequence, jumping section sometimes occur in Trados. Since by and large interlingual rendition undertaking have a inclination to demand for high-velocity and quality, transcribers are frequently forced to work long hours a twenty-four hours. This will ensue in a higher rate of interlingual rendition escape. Finally, while Wordfast can non let a user to corroborate the translated text layout during interlingual rendition, Trados can expose the finished interlingual rendition within the edditing window. Therefore, the TM user can available to corroborate the translated text layout even during interlingual rendition. This show map of Trados might be effectual to clip economy, because the mistranslations or text layout and presentation can be recognized easy and interpreting and modifying can be available at the same time in the redaction window. Decision Although Wordfast and Trados portion certain simiralities in those operational maps such as the handiness of importing/ exporting TM, some virtue and demerit of several TM were besides recognized. It is hard to urge which is more first-class CAT tool, bacause the detarmination of virtue and demerit is affected by the state of affairs. In the instance of the monolithic interlingual rendition squad undertaking, Trados may be more effectual than Wordfast due to a assortment of optional map. On the contrary, if interpreting comparatively simple and short text, Wordfast may be convenience due to its simpleness of plan constellation procedure. Therfore, it might be important to analyze which CAT tool is suited for the interlingual rendition text or undertaking.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Word Essays

Word Essays Word Essay Word Essay Test assesses your ability to use the language being tested by presenting questions via a computer. Questions appear on a screen and you answer them by clicking on a particular option or by typing in words or phrases. There are eight types of question and they assess listening, reading and grammar/ vocabulary skills. Reading and Language Knowledge Tasks (I) Read and Select Candidates are presented with a notice, diagram, label, memo or letter containing a worth text. They choose a phrase that most closely matches the meaning of the text. (it) Extended Reading Candidates read a longer text and answer a series of multiple choice questions based on it. The questions are presented in the same order as the information in the text. (ill) Multiple Choice Gap-fill Candidates choose the best word or phrase to fill gaps in a text. There are four choices for each gap. (v) Open Gap-fill Candidates complete blanks in a text by typing in the missing word. (v) Gaped Sentences Candidates complete gaps In a sentence by choosing the correct word or phrase. There are four choices for each gap. Listening Tasks (I) Listen and Select Candidates listen to a short recording and answer a short multiple choice question. (II) Listen and Select (Graphic) The same as above, but the choice Is between three pictures or Images. (Ill) Extended Listening Candidates listen to a longer recording and answer a series of multiple choice questions based on it. The questions are presented in the same order as the information is heard. You can hear the listening recordings twice. The Computer Test starts by testing a candidates Reading and Language Knowledge before starting the second section which Is the Listening part of the exam. The Computer Test is adaptive. This means that it adapts to your level. If you get questions right, it will give you more difficult ones. If you get questions wrong, it will give you easier ones. N. B. You can change your mind and change an answer you have selected. However, once you move on to the next task, you cant go back to a previous one. The Computer Test produces a report with the candidates overall score (on a scale of 0-100) and LATE and CHEF levels, and their score on each section. A test report form can be printed out from the test if the test administrator has selected this option, or a report can be printed from the administrators Supervisor program. How should you prepare for the Computer Test? The skills tested in the Computer Test are the same as in the Standard Test, and so you should read the blats candidate handbook | 2 The Computer Test 5 advice given in the section on the Standard Test. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the format of the Computer Test and the way you need to answer questions. A demonstration version of the Computer Test is available on the BLATS website: www. blats. Org. If you do not have access to this, you should ask your language trainer to obtain a Demonstration CD for the BLATS Computer Test, which also contains a demonstration test for you to try out. What should you do during the Test? Relax the test is designed to be easy to use. Some candidates lose marks because they misread instructions in their nervousness. Read the instructions carefully. Do not hurry answer questions carefully. Unlike the Standard Test you cannot review your answers before finishing the test. Some candidates lose marks because they race through the test. However, do not spend too long on a question generally, the first answer a candidate produces is the best one. Reading tasks do not require you to understand every single word in the text. Keep an eye on the progress indicator which shows how far through the test you are. Sample Questions Below are some sample screens showing questions taken from the Computer Test. It is not possible to produce sample questions for the whole test because it is adaptive, each test is therefore unique.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

One Foot through the Door, One essays

One Foot through the Door, One essays One Foot through the Door, One Foot Out There was change in the air, a fresh noted difference between the world I left and the one I reentered. You lack noticing these small details with daily routine and repetition, but they exist for the whole world to see. Little things like the city, commerce, afternoon sunshine, and chaotic downtown traffic just seemed accurate for the life of your regular urbanite. It came to me that these differences were what made me truly happy about being a civilian again. All was going quite well, I was getting my feet on the ground and reintegrating myself back into civilian life, until the day of darkness came and again a call of the world I left behind tried to drag me back to miserable drudge and mayhem. The day of darkness came with sounds of people screaming and sharp metallic crash of glass and steel and fires roaring and the sky line falling from the heavens. News reporters flashed on every channel on television, plane just hit the Trade Towers... people are still in the building. Interviews with people in full-flight terror and hungering retribution scarred into their souls plagued the newspapers. Even counting all this, the tremendous fire that claimed so many American lives and the families they were cruelly ripped away from, I couldnt go back. Its not as if I lack spirit for I have given more of myself than most could in that past life, the world I left behind. A world where any and all I did was sacrificed to others, taken and credited in their name. Honor, courage, and commitment were more like paltry jokes than words to live and die by. It is a world that tears the being of a person down to be structured in the views of a long dead president, so they can go out and die by the sword or arms. I dont think I could ever go back. In a closet in my apartment, I have kept what little belongings from that life in case there came a time when I would rem...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Should the U.S. Justice Department have filed suit against Arizona's Research Paper

Should the U.S. Justice Department have filed suit against Arizona's new immigration policy - Research Paper Example The law focuses mainly on those provisions that require state enforcement of federal immigration law and impose criminal penalties for immigration related conduct (Hing, p 169). The Arizona’s new immigration policy has been signed as is scheduled to take effect soon. Upon adoption, it will be officially illegal to be an illegal immigrant in Arizona. The police in Arizona will be expected to ask anyone to prove their immigration status. The Arizona police are also compelled, under threat of lawsuit, to enforce federal immigration laws. The law, according to the justice department, will be expensive and disruptive. The law will further be susceptible to uneven application and can undermine community policing by discouraging cooperation with state and local law enforcement. There are negative consequences that will result from giving the local police the authority to stop anyone on the reasonable suspicion, that they just might be illegal immigrant. The law will automatically give the police an important new tool in their crime fighting process. The police will have the ability to detain and possibly deport any person without bothering to obtain warrants or prove that that the arrested individuals have committed a crime which is unconstitutional. The US justice department has filed a law suit seeking to challenge the Arizona’s new immigration policy. The lawsuit charges that the Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigrants conflicts with the federal law. The Arizona law would disrupt immigration enforcement and can lead to police harassment of those who cannot prove their lawful status. The law suit has been filed in the federal court of Arizona and states that the Arizona state’s measure is unconstitutional and asks a judge to stop it from taking effect. The Arizona immigration law will cause the detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants, and citizens who do not have to carry

Friday, October 18, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 25

Marketing - Essay Example r that is usually thrown away is recycled and introduced into the value chain again as a new product and it must be noted that this takes less energy than using unprocessed raw materials. Paper normally thrown away from a hole punch is pulped using manual methods and it is made into different products which include stationery and document holders, artifact related products such as decorative frames depicting various pictures, paper vases, bags as well as paper towels among others. Stationary holders or vases can be skillfully made used recycled paper which is first pulped to take another new from. These holders can be molded into different shapes depending on the desire of the artists. These holders are more suitable for housed hold or official use where they are kept on desks where movement would be limited. In most cases, these vases would also serve the decorative purpose. Other products which can be made using recycled paper include decorative frames that can be hanged on the walls either in homes, offices or other public buildings such as halls or churches. Manually recycled paper often produces hard card boards which can be easily used as wall or picture frames. These frames are either decorated with various pictures depicting different artifacts or different messages can be inscribed on them. Holding bags of varying sizes can also be made from recycled paper as well. b) These products are likely to be in demand as a result of the fact that they would have been skillfully made in such a very attractive manner. In most cases, these products from waste paper are meant for decorative purposes meant to display artistic prowess by different artists. Art is used for different purposes in life hence, there would be likely chances of products being demanded by those who naturally admire hand made crafts. Indeed, artifacts are used for various purposes and there is need for the artist to first identify different things that can interest as well as satisfy the needs

Self assessment of Tiger Nursing informatics competencies Coursework

Self assessment of Tiger Nursing informatics competencies - Coursework Example These are consistent with recommendations of the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (Finkelman & Kenner, 2014). My clinical information management, based on the self-assessment, identifies a weakness. As a registered nurse, I should be skilled in computer technology applications and data analysis for informed care decision and this requires ability collect, record, manage, analyze, and interpret data. My self-analysis results, however, identify competence in a majority of clinical information management measures, an indicator of average potential. My best scores were proficiency in ensuring data confidentiality and data security, with no expertise score in a single measure. Retrieval of information from stores was the most challenging of clinical information management aspects. There was however better results on information literacy as about 50 percent of my scores were proficient. No expertise score was reported and novice scores were limited. Analysis of information and information sources were the most challenging aspects. My basic computer competencies were however outstanding with exper tise score in most of the measures. Comparative analysis of my current competencies identifies weaknesses in application of data for nursing purposes. Competencies in computer applications for data entry, management, analysis, and interpretation are recommended for my professional qualification and experience but I am below average in related measures that correspond to clinical information management and information literacy. Age barrier, having trained and entered the nursing profession before integration of high-level of information technology into the nursing profession explains my weakness. My areas of specialty, that have required minimal application of computer competencies and information literacy explain my weakness. I have worked in long-term care, psychiatric, and correctional nursing, areas that may

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Exercise Induced Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Exercise Induced Asthma - Essay Example Asthma is chronic, or long term. (Exercise-Induced Asthma, 2006.) It is a condition of the lung and the main symptom is difficulty in breathing. The airways are extremely sensitive and when they are irritated, they react by narrowing or obstructing. As the air is restricted from moving, or circulating, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are symptoms that result. Risk factors include lifestyle (location, the weather, diet, etc.), environmental (smoking, allergens, and pollutants, etc.), use of antibiotics, exposure in the workplace, and genetics. Sawicki and Dovey (2005) report, "Children with one asthmatic parent are 2.6 times more likely to have asthmaMaternal asthma appears to make a bigger contribution than paternal asthma to asthma in offspring; one study found a frequency of atopic manifestations (including atopic asthma) of 44 percent in children whose mothers had atopic asthma compared to only 25 percent of children whose fathers had atopic asthma." Factors that can exacerbate asthma include respiratory tract infections resulting from viruses, allergens (dust mites, pets, pollens, indoor contaminants, etc.), stress, and Last Name 3 exercise. Exercise is one of the most common triggers. When exercise triggers asthma attacks, this is known as exercise-induced asthma, or EIA. 7-10 percent of school children are affected by asthma and is a major reason for missed school days. There is twice the chance of low grade scores due to absence. When children miss school, parents also miss time at work. (The American Thoracic Society, Am J Respir Crit Care Med cites Dekker, Dales, Bartlett, et al, 1991; National Institutes of...30 percent of children under the age of two face incidences of wheezing and at this age, the incidences tend to peak at the ages of two and six months. allergens, and pollutants, etc.), use of antibiotics, exposure in the workplace, and genetics. Sawicki and Dovey (2005) report, "Children with one asthmatic parent are 2.6 times more likely to have asthmaMaternal asthma appears to make a bigger contribution than paternal asthma to asthma in offspring; one study found a frequency of atopic manifestations (including atopic asthma) of 44 percent in children whose mothers had atopic asthma compared to only 25 percent of children whose fathers had atopic asthma." Factors that can exacerbate asthma include respiratory tract infections resulting from viruses, allergens (dust mites, pets, pollens, indoor contaminants, etc.), stress, and 7-10 percent of school children are affected by asthma and is a major reason for missed school days. There is twice the chance of low grade scores due to absence. When children miss school, parents also miss time at work. (The American Thoracic Society, Am J Respir Crit Care Med cites Dekker, Dales, Bartlett, et al, 1991; National Institutes of Health Publication, 1995; Taylor and Newacheck, 1992.) Storms (2005) cite Hallstrand (2002), "9% of school children have EIA" and they cite ) and Rupp (1

Planning Your Visit Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Planning Your Visit - Research Paper Example In the following parts of this paper, serious health ramifications have been described and highlighted as well. It is followed by personal experience part where the personal observation has been provided. Before the conclusion part, legislative authority and meeting with the legislative authority has been included. All types of cancer can be caused by smoking. In the United States, 9 out of 10 smokers first tried cigarettes by the age of 18 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1994; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012; Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, 2009); and around 3,200 individuals below the age of 18 smoke first cigarette (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014); more seriously smokeless cigarette and hookah are becoming popular in middle and high school students (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). Smoking in the earlier stage of life may not highlight severe effects at the initial stage of smoking especially for the youth. However, with the passage of time, smoking starts to show its effect on internal body functions and body activities. At the same time, the chances of asthma and other breathing problems cannot be also ruled out as it is difficult to ascertain and predict the likely potential hazardous effects of smoking on human body. Subsequently, in the long run, chances of other physical, psychological complications cannot be avoided. With my personal experience, I can surely say that smoking puts devastating effects on the entire family fabric in which every family member is affected. In my neighborhood, one family’s teenager used to smoke cigarettes. And his parents always remained worried about him. More often, I used to hear family problems and other issues. In other words, this unfriendly relation was mainly caused by the smoking habit of the teenager. More

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Exercise Induced Asthma Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Exercise Induced Asthma - Essay Example Asthma is chronic, or long term. (Exercise-Induced Asthma, 2006.) It is a condition of the lung and the main symptom is difficulty in breathing. The airways are extremely sensitive and when they are irritated, they react by narrowing or obstructing. As the air is restricted from moving, or circulating, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are symptoms that result. Risk factors include lifestyle (location, the weather, diet, etc.), environmental (smoking, allergens, and pollutants, etc.), use of antibiotics, exposure in the workplace, and genetics. Sawicki and Dovey (2005) report, "Children with one asthmatic parent are 2.6 times more likely to have asthmaMaternal asthma appears to make a bigger contribution than paternal asthma to asthma in offspring; one study found a frequency of atopic manifestations (including atopic asthma) of 44 percent in children whose mothers had atopic asthma compared to only 25 percent of children whose fathers had atopic asthma." Factors that can exacerbate asthma include respiratory tract infections resulting from viruses, allergens (dust mites, pets, pollens, indoor contaminants, etc.), stress, and Last Name 3 exercise. Exercise is one of the most common triggers. When exercise triggers asthma attacks, this is known as exercise-induced asthma, or EIA. 7-10 percent of school children are affected by asthma and is a major reason for missed school days. There is twice the chance of low grade scores due to absence. When children miss school, parents also miss time at work. (The American Thoracic Society, Am J Respir Crit Care Med cites Dekker, Dales, Bartlett, et al, 1991; National Institutes of...30 percent of children under the age of two face incidences of wheezing and at this age, the incidences tend to peak at the ages of two and six months. allergens, and pollutants, etc.), use of antibiotics, exposure in the workplace, and genetics. Sawicki and Dovey (2005) report, "Children with one asthmatic parent are 2.6 times more likely to have asthmaMaternal asthma appears to make a bigger contribution than paternal asthma to asthma in offspring; one study found a frequency of atopic manifestations (including atopic asthma) of 44 percent in children whose mothers had atopic asthma compared to only 25 percent of children whose fathers had atopic asthma." Factors that can exacerbate asthma include respiratory tract infections resulting from viruses, allergens (dust mites, pets, pollens, indoor contaminants, etc.), stress, and 7-10 percent of school children are affected by asthma and is a major reason for missed school days. There is twice the chance of low grade scores due to absence. When children miss school, parents also miss time at work. (The American Thoracic Society, Am J Respir Crit Care Med cites Dekker, Dales, Bartlett, et al, 1991; National Institutes of Health Publication, 1995; Taylor and Newacheck, 1992.) Storms (2005) cite Hallstrand (2002), "9% of school children have EIA" and they cite ) and Rupp (1

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Potential Career Paths in Animal Science in Western Australia Research Paper

Potential Career Paths in Animal Science in Western Australia - Research Paper Example Christiansen’s Farms enjoys average annual revenue of about $ 155 million (Anonymous). Christensen Farms is composed of individuals who collaboratively work together with the fundamental belief that different ideas and perspectives lead to better decision making. Christensen Farms enjoys being the leading innovator in the industry of pork production while at the same time enjoys new links to food chain in the farm. To ensure high quality products, the farm raises pastured Berkshire pork because it is tender, moist and flavorful pork that anyone can find anywhere. Job Description Located in the Midwest of the United States, Christensen Family Farms has one mission of being the leader in the production of wholesome, safe and high quality pork products to its customers (Anonymous). The organizational structure of the company is grouped into the management and non management levels. The management level includes the executive, who are four in number, and farm managers, who are sev en. The job functions are finance, marketing, sales, operations, and human resources among others. The position of the job in this structure is that of the farm manager in any of their farms. The specific daily tasks that are involved in this position are overseeing the general performance of the entire farm which includes motivation, Planning, organizing, directing, coordination and control of the farm. With the help of department supervisors, the manager also ensures that the employees carry out their tasks perfectly, the pigs are well fed, their houses are clean, the swine are slaughtered at the right time and at the right age, the processing of the products is carried out effectively and smoothly, and that the products are well stored to avoid contamination or spoilage. The manager’s main duty is to ensure that everything goes on smoothly so that the farm can increase its productivity for long-term profitability. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Job The job of a farm manag er has both strengths and weaknesses. Some of the strengths include: you are free to make the farm’s decision, you are the boss at the farm level, and you can enjoy many benefits like good housing, transport, medical, among others. Moreover, this job helps one to gain managerial experience as well as interactions with people from different social status. However, there are weaknesses in this job because the decision that you make must be well analyzed to ensure that the farms meet all its objectives, besides realizing profits. On the other hand, it is very hard to make decisions sometimes yet you may have no one to consult. Furthermore, all employees in the farm are answerable to you, something that makes this job very hard as some employees are very difficult to handle. The manager also has to deal with complex issues like resolving conflicts, firing rebellious employees as well as hiring new employees. All these call for not only academic qualification but good interpersona l skills. Interview Lessons for my Career Path From the interview, I learnt that this job can be a good starting point for my career dream of being a CEO in the future. This is because, it provides the skills and experience required to manage an even bigger farm or a much higher position. My future vision is to serve in a position that will give the opportunity to serve many customers with high quality products that ensure value for their money, as well meeting all the production

Jacksonian Democracy Essay Example for Free

Jacksonian Democracy Essay The Jacksonian democrats saw themselves as the guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. However, were they really all they claimed to be? They did attempt to increase the power of lower classes while decreasing the influence of the rich and powerful. Economically, they benefited from governing during a time of huge advances in transportation, which boosted commerce and helped the common man. The Jacksonian democrats portrayed themselves as saviors of the common people, but this is a controversial subject. They were unusually wealthy, supported equality between white men only, enacted devastating economic policies, and disregarded the capability of the federal government. The Jacksonians saw themselves as guardians but as for the people, only a select few may have seen that. During the Jacksonian reign, numerous advancements sped up the growth of the United States. A market revolution occurred as cash-crop agriculture and capitalist manufacturing replaced artisan economy. Despite the prosperity, a split was emerging between the industrializing, urban north, agrarian, rural South, and the expanding West. The Jacksonians passed the Tariff of 1828, which opened opportunity for western agriculture and New England manufacturing, but was damaging to the South. Andrew Jackson believed that the US bank placed too much control into the hands of a wealthy few (Document B). Therefore, Jackson vetoed the banks re-charter in 1832. In attempt to benefit the lower, working classes, he placed the federal money in pet state banks. This attempt weakened the national currency. Like most Jacksonian economic policies, it failed. Jacksonians tried to assist only the whites through economic policies but failed in that also. Foreign visitors viewed that in America, every man is free and independent (Document D), but there was great division in American attitude. Disturbances and riots broke out across the country by minorities (Document E), because they were not included in the equality efforts of the Jacksonians, which were focused on white males. Jacksons hypocrisy and brutality in his Indian removal practices showed the non-universal  principles held by the democrats. The unconstitutional, uneven power in the three branches of government was revealed when Jackson violated chief justice Marshalls decision on the Cherokee when he forced them out. Resulting in the Trail of Tears(Document G) Fearful of angering Southern voters, Jacksonians veered away from extending equality policies to slaves. Women as well received little betterment during the Jacksonian era. Although viewed as defenders of all common men, Jacksonian democrats shunned minorities and only assisted white men. Andrew Jackson was the first president to fully use the powers of the executive branch and establish it as an equal if not superior branch. Henry Clay viewed Jackson as dictatorial and unconstitutional and tried to make others see that, but Jacksonian propaganda continued to portray Jackson as a common man. Jacksonian democrats did not keep the three branches of government separate and equal, like it says in the constitution. Jacksonians were strict constitutionalists, vetoing things that did not benefit the whole country and eliminating the bank. However, they also participated in the burning nationalism existing at the time. Jacksonians believed in a firm union. In the compromise Tariff of 1832, they reduced the previous tariffs, but also included a Force Bill, which authorized the President to use arms to collect dues in South Carolina, which goes against the Jacksonian belief in states rights and their disbelief in a strong military. Jacksonian democrats were above all outstanding propagandists. They were able to portray themselves as defenders of the common man, while they usually tended to be anything but common. They were wealthy and often thought that common man officials were inefficient and corrupt. They also tried to further reform movements but ended up hurting the economic opportunity. Although often supporters of states rights and individuality, they also were strong nationalists. Jacksonians strived to preserve the unifying principles that the Constitution contained, but acted in opposition of it when they asserted the overwhelming power of the executive branch. Jacksonian democracy did allow more people to vote than ever before and made government more directly responsible to the people. Finally, they established a strong executive, directly responsible to the people, and  increased faith in government. Overall, Jacksonians honestly attempted to help common Americans.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Comparison of Social and Medical Models of Health

Comparison of Social and Medical Models of Health The ways in which health, illness and disease are defined depends on different factors and models, For instance the way the practitioner defines health is different from the way other people in the society defines it. There has always been diversity in the theoretical of health and illness in the western culture. Though the models of health may vary, these models play a defining role, signifying what should be or not be the object of public health concern. This essay will define and compare the medical and social model of health and also discuss their key components. The social model of health places importance on the changes that needs to be made by society, empowering people to be in charge of their own health and lifestyles, in order to make the population healthier. The medical model defines health as absence of disease, it informs the most powerful and influential discourse about health. The medical model is the most main system of medical knowledge within the western world, its activity is the treatment of disease in individuals. Its the model that quite defines health narrowly. Social model of health key components involves health being determined by a broad range of social, environmental and economic factors as not just biomedical risk factors, it also act to reduce inequalities that has to do with age, gender, race, culture, socioeconomic status and location because equity is the main point for health service delivery. The key component of the medical model of health involves the standard analytical format process: Underlying the model is the implicit assumption that the illness described by the person, now called patient, indicate a disordered part, or pathology, called the disease or disorder which is the cause of the illness. The social model of health differences when compared to the medical model of health are as follows:-:- The social model of health is focus more on the environment, social, and environmental determinants of health, not just biomedical determinants. While, the medical model is centred on individual as a patient. The medical model has a core structure of analysis by which symptoms and physical signs known as illness are reduced to more specific disordered part while the social determinant of health is the social and environmental condition people work and live. Medical model deals with a specific disease with specific therapy while social model of health is based on the understanding that in order for health gains to be present we need to meet the peoples basic needs. In addition to the comparison, the social model of health takes into recognition the environmental and social factors that affect health and produce inequities whereas the medical model serves well for illness caused primarily by organic diseases albeit with serious limitation when no specific cause or cure is known. In conclusion, Human kind is believed to be the only one that does not allow nature to be just nature. The most commonly accepted vision of healthcare is that improvements result from advancements in medical science. It is widely accepted that the medical model of health focuses primarily on the eradication of illness through diagnosis and effective treatment. In comparison the social model of health emphasis on changes in the society and in peoples way of life to make the population healthier. Taking into consideration these models of health allows us to have a better knowledge of why some people take care of their health easily than others.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Life and Work of Artist, Paul Gauguin :: Art Essays

The Life and Work of Artist, Paul Gauguin Somerset Maughm's A Moon and Sixpence is about a man, Charles Strickland, who gives up his good life, including a wife and two children and a secure job, to seek a life as a painter. The character Charles Strickland and the events surrounding his life are loosely based on the real painter Paul Gauguin. Because I found the events of Strickland's life so riveting, I felt compelled to discover more about the real person Strickland was based on. Paul Gauguin himself was an extraordinary man who painted in the late 19th century. Webmuseum, Paris describes Gauguin as "one of the leading French painters of the Postimpressionist period, whose development of a conceptual method of representation was a decisive step for 20th century art." However, the events in his life are what makes Gauguin's story so remarkable. The first part of Gauguin's life was uneventful and played no major part in formulating his desire to paint. Gauguin was born in Paris in 1848. He spent the first year of his life there, but in 1849, because of his father's political activities, his family was forced into exile. He spent his childhood growing up in Lima, Peru. In 1867, after his mother died, Gauguin was sent to live with Gustave Arosa back in France. It is during this time that he started collecting impressionist art and he himself started painting. Gauguin became a wealthy stockbroker, married, and had five children. However, with the financial crash of 1882, he decided to quit his job entirely and paint full time. It was during this time that he severed ties with his wife Mette when she went back to her native land of Denmark taking their children with her. Many people cannot grasp the concept that a man who had such a successful happy life would give it all up to become an impoverished painter. Yet Gauguin believed so much in what he was doing that he persisted on giving up the pleasures of his former life and chose to live instead a life of poverty. In this life of poverty, though, he was able to paint. Upon making this life changing decision Gauguin moved around France, spending brief periods of time in Rouen and Pont Avon, looking for work.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Religion on the Internet Essay -- Essays Papers

Religion on the Internet Religion can be a very controversial topic. There are so many different types of religion and different people who practice and believe in these religions. Some people don’t believe in any, some have their own, some have one, but don’t practice it, and some people even have multiple religions. Religion is not a topic you bring up while having a cup of coffee with some friends, unless you are all of the same religion. Usually discussing different religions it causes nothing but problems and arguments. There is even a country music song that is titled, "Politics, Religion, and Her." The singer goes on in the song to say how he never likes to discuss any of these three topics with anyone and how they only cause problems. When you type "Religion" into Net Search on the Internet, you find there are over 300,000 matches to that search. Obviously, religion is all over the internet. The World Wide Web allows people to get their opinions out to millions of Internet surfers. Some sites offer on-line help to religious practitioners with questions about their particular religion. Other sites are just plain fact giving information and explaining a particular type of religion. Then there are sites that try to lure you into joining their religion, and even some cults that are trying to gain new, vulnerable members. With the different ways that they present these sites, it is very easy to get caught up in them and possibly even join. The way they present them to the viewer doesn’t make them seem bad or not even close to being a cult. The sites on factual and on-line religion services don’t seem to be a problem, and I will discuss their presence on the web later on in this paper. I would now like to talk about the iss... ...le, web browsers, these cults are attracting more and more people. The internet is one of the largest growing industries right now, but it is also growing many trouble spots. The web has to create some sort of laws and rules about what’s allowed on the net. These cult sites must be monitored regularly, so as to make sure they are not endangering the welfare of the common web surfer. Works Cited The Appeal of the Cults,, (24 March 1997). Creating a New View of God:,!duke.den!conv.lynx.htm, (22 March 1997). Cult Recruiting Techniques,, (24 March 1997). Cult-Think, http://www.alt.religion.scientology.htm, (22 March 1997). Lefevre, Greg, The Internet as a god and progaganda tool for cults,, (24 March 1997).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Online Communication

Online Communication is used every day in most of our lives. We communicate with family, friends, colleagues, etc via Social Network Sites and Email. Our Employers use Online Communication to relay messages, train in product lines and hold meetings just to name a few. Just like our Employers and ourselves, colleges have begun to offer online education to its students. This form of learning enables the students to enroll in a class and do assignments, reading, writing, and tests via online communication. There are two benefits to online learning.The most important benefit of online learning is the flexibility that is given to the student taking the class. In this day and time there are many people working full time jobs, raising children and still pursuing a degree. Online education provides the ability for the student to study, test, write, etc on their time. The online student doesn’t have to rework his/her work schedule since they can proceed through the course at their pace and on their time. Flexibility is the most important benefit of online learning. The second benefit of online learning is the knowledge the student is getting of the computer.Not only is the student learning the coursework they are enrolled in but they are also learning how to maneuver the computer and its processes. Since every business, company, school, etc uses computers then it is important that all university students develop a decent knowledge of the computer. This can be done in an online course. Flexibility and Knowledge are just two benefits of online learning. Having a flexible school schedule and learning the basic uses of computers and the course programs are just a few of the benefits of taking an online class.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Down East Spud Busters

As a manager, one of the many aspects of your role is to â€Å"control†, which as you know, means periodically (or continually) checking on the status of production, operations, staffing, budget, quality, etc. Now, employees often react negatively to this, communicating actively or passively resentment about the manager's actually or figuratively â€Å"looking over their shoulders† or trying to catch them doing something wrong or always â€Å"making corrections† about the way things are being done. What re some strategies you can use to do a good Job controlling, but avoid the employee backlash In attitude?This really would depend on what type of Industry and the structure of the company. From my past working experiences I used deferent methods were needed to control quality and production. As a project manager In the telecoms Industry an on-hands style was needed In order to get each station physically approved from the vendor. The relationship between managemen t and supervisors,'leads could be anywhere In the range of tense to cordial depending on he quality of the job the supervisor's crew produced.There were other elements that also had to be taken into consideration. Such as, weather, equipment availability, and deadlines. A looking over the shoulder strategy is needed, and is part of some job specification. Another strategy I have had to use was daily receiving, production and shipping reports. While using these methods a minimum interaction is needed with the employees. These types of reports can tell you if production is down from absentee, bad products from vendors or equipment failures.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

MicroEconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

MicroEconomics - Essay Example This type of monopoly emerges due to natural advantages like abundant mineral resources, good location and so on. For instance, Gulf nations have monopoly in the exploration of crude oil as a result of plenty of natural oil resources (Mankiw & Taylor, 2006).   It also occurs when it is financially impractical or impossible for many companies to engage in a business, for example, when it requires large investments of capital that other companies cannot raise (Tucker, 2011). This occurs when the government passes laws and regulations that reserve a particular trade, services or goods for government agencies (McKenzie & Lee, 2006). For instance, many governments are in charge of running water. Occurs when multiple businesses or firms combine or amalgamate, for example, a combination between competitors like Burger firm and Pizza firm leads to join monopoly thus reducing competition (Tucker, 2011). Monopolies exist so as to dominate the market place by controlling the pricing of a specific product. This is due to lack of economic competition because such a firm controls a significant volume of the market. It also exists due to high overhead cost which discourages other firms (Tucker, 2011). For instance, it requires a high overhead cost to construct power lines from scratch and acquire necessary equipment to generate power, making power company a monopoly. c) Intellectual property protection- extension of patents and copyrights to businesses by the government give them the right of being the sole provider of that new product thus creating a temporary monopoly (Mankiw & Taylor,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Literature Program Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Literature Program Paper - Essay Example Education is one of the primary and essential activities especially for the preschool-aged children (i.e. children aged between 3 to 5 years) which bestows numerous advantages. In accordance with the present day context, the increasing pace of global economy has resulted in a major emphasis upon the importance of education at the early stage of the life of children which enables them to enhance their human virtue along with facilitating them to cope with different environmental and social factors. Based on the importance and essentiality of education at the early stage, this report intends prepare an effective literature plan especially for the preschool children through identifying the development goals which may enable to support the language, intellectual, personality, social and moral as well as aesthetic and creative development of the preschool age children. ... A range of developmental activities as well as strategies will be implemented in order to perform a streamlined experiential learning (Childs Play Learning Center, 2011). The literature program will also involve television as the primary media which would broadcast various initiatives of the literature program which would enable to draw community involvement. In addition, the parents will be considered as a major part of this literature program to increase the efficiency of the preschool learning activities. Identifying the Development Goals Language The language development activities in the literature program will be focused on providing performing activities which allow the preschool children to effectively understand and develop their linguistic skills. In order enhance the capability of the preschool children the activities will be performed independently for each age group. Moreover, telling stories will also be an effective activity which would enable the preschoolers to remai n interested with regard to the learning process (Childs Play Learning Center, 2011). Intellectual Learning In order to enhance the intellectual capability of the preschoolers, it’s important to observe regarding how the children tend to practice while doing any activity. As it can be observed that predominantly preschool children learn through observing and doing various activities by themselves. Therefore, the literature program will be focused on different cognitive areas such as numbers, shapes and colors which may enable the preschoolers to enhance their intellectual skills (University of Illinois Board of Trustees, 2013). Personality Development Personality development is

Monday, October 7, 2019

Nevada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nevada - Essay Example Early white settlements were Spaniards headed by two Spanish explorers Father Francisco Atanasio Dominguez and Father Silvestre Velez de Escalante both were looking for the route that connects the San Buenaventura River into the Rocky Mountains down to the Pacific, however none were unearth. On the same occasion another Spanish Friar again aim to locate the route but instead find himself into Las Vegas. When Spain had befallen, Mexico ceded Nevada, this is the time when the Paiute tribes became slaves and were exported by the Mexicans. Nevada was teeming with natural resources that perhaps that is one of the motivations of the newcomers to settle in the place. Exploration had started off during 1821 when Peter Skene Ogden of the Hudson's Bay Company of Great Britain and Jedediah Smith of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company followed by others entered the opposite ends of Nevada seeking new beaver ponds and the elusive river, the San Buenaventura. Several explorations aimed to locate the my sterious San Buenaventura River but none of them ever finds it. The end of the Mexican War started to be the second phase of the Great exploration towards the frontier of Nevada. The discovery of gold had further the determination of many explorers.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Islamic Banking System. Case of Malaysia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Islamic Banking System. Case of Malaysia - Essay Example Similar to conventional banking, Islamic banks also collect the additional savings of people and then those savings are extended to those needy sectors of economy. In past, few researches have been developed to find out the relationship between the interest rate increase and funds flow from Islamic banking. This paper analyses the relationship between deposit returns of Islamic and conventional banks with an alternative econometric technique involving Units Root Test to estimate the presence of stationarity and Granger Causality test to estimate the linkage between the deposit returns of the two banking systems. The basic objective of this study is to find out the impact of the change in return deposits of one banking system on to the other. Thus, this study assists the policy makers in determining the role of Islamic banking in the overall economic, fiscal and monetary environment of the country. Introduction The purpose to conduct this study is to examine the level of substitutabil ity in the depository returns under Islamic and conventional banking system. This study comprises on the comparison of the data relating depository returns between the Islamic banking system and the conventional banking system which includes commercial, merchant banks and other financial institutions. Malaysia is considered as a case study in which both Islamic and conventional systems are aimed to be operated on parallel basis by the monetary authorities. In 1983, the first ever Islamic bank that was established in Malaysia was Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB). The Islamic banks truly started competition with their conventional counterparts in 1993 when Islamic banking scheme (IMS) was introduced by the Government of Malaysia. This scheme permits the conventional banks to introduce and participate in the products and services initially designed by Islamic banks. By the end of 2002, Total Islamic banking deposits were 10.20% of the country’s total deposits. Since Malaysian f inancial system is under the sole control of Central Bank of Malaysia, therefore the evidence that there are relationships between TDRs of Islamic and conventional banks and the monetary policy is argued under this study. In case if the there is no substitutability between the rates of depositing and financing in both Islamic and conventional banking systems, then relatively lesser restrictive effects of monetary policy can be observed in this regard. For instance, interest rates are used as a tool by the Central banks to adjust the money supply flowing in the economy. Interest rates are increased or decreased to tighten or loosen the flow of money circulating in the economy respectively. The same phenomenon cannot be established in the Islamic banking system as the depositors are not offered a fixed rate of deposit returns. There is a likelihood that if the required rate of deposit returns on Islamic banking products is not ensured to at least the amount of that conventional bankin g products, the depositors of Islamic banks would switch to other financial instruments of the conventional banks because of fact that the Islamic banking products would be of little use for the monetary purposes. Literature Review The individual saving behaviours are mainly explained by the interest rates offered in the economy as one of the key considerations. The interest rate offerings are considered as a key element because different banks offer different rates of depository returns on varying schemes of deposits. Interest rates are determined mainly because of the concept of time value of money. The longer the time that deposits takes in maturity, the higher will be the yield required by the depositors. For examples, the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Physical and Social Developement of Adolescents Issues Essay

Physical and Social Developement of Adolescents Issues - Essay Example This paper aims at exploring different issues related to physical and social development of adolescents and the impact of those developmental changes on them. The adolescence period is featured by dramatic physiological changes that in practice leading them to move forward from a child to an adult. Hence, adolescence period is a transitional period, where an individual reaches to the physical maturity. This period distinguishes among males and females quite evidently by developing sexual characteristics, however, the secondary sexual characteristics become visible during prepubescent period. In the prepubescent period, a female may begin to develop her breast buds around the age of 8 years, which take the mature shape with full breast development during late adolescent phase. Apart from that, public hair growth - armpit and leg - has been observed during 9 to 10 years, where the distribution pattern becomes prevalent at the age of 13 to 14 years. Another significant physical change occurs in adolescent females with the menarche2. In general, the menarche occurs after 2 years of prepubescent changes. A female may undergo menarche at early at the age of 10 years and as late as 15 years. However, the puberty is not identified with a sudden onset of pubertal changes in case of males, as it happens with females with menstrual changes. In case of males, the scrotal and testicular changes occur during 9 years of age along with a lengthening of penis size, whereas it reaches to its adult size around 15 - 16 years of age. Public hair growth in the areas of armpit, leg and face is noted at the age of 12 years, whereas it reaches to its adult distribution at the age of 15 to 16 years. The occurrence of nocturnal emissions3 in around every 2 weeks interval consisting of seminal fluid may define the onset of puberty among male adolescents. This typically occurs during the age of 13 years to 17 years. A contemporaneous brisk of growth in height is noticed between ages of around 10.5 to 11 years and 16 to 18 years, with a peak period characterized around the age of 14 years. Another significant change in males occurs with the changes in voice which is usually parallel to penile development, whereas the occurrence of nocturnal emissions corresponds with the peak period of height spurt. Social Development The radical and dynamic changes both at physical and psychological level throughout the adolescent period make it typically distinct from other phases of development. An adolescent, irrespective of gender, experiences an individualized form of self consciousness, sensitivity about the surrounding environment and an increased concern over one's own body image along with excruciating evaluation between own self and peers. An important aspect of the psychosocial development contributing to the adolescence period is adolescent egocentrism. According to Elkind (1967), adolescent egocentrism includes a belief system carried by adolescents that makes them to consider as special and unique which is accompanied with the accomplishment of new psychological abilities. Adolescent egocentrism is characterized with an imaginary audience with an increased self consciousness. Adolescents consider that their people in their surrounding areas, especially peers, observe their activities,

Friday, October 4, 2019

The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas Essay Example for Free

The Ones Who Walked Away from Omelas Essay I do not think the narrator lives in Omelas, because of the way he compares their society to ours, and â€Å"them† to â€Å"us. † He also never includes himself in his descriptions of them, although that begs the question: how does he know them so intimately if not for having been there? The Omelas society is utopian, intelligent, compassionate, respectful, having no need for law, or clergy, beautifully built; the list goes on. Everything is perfect, all except the hidden child. It seems that the narrator sympathizes with the people of Omelas and understands the quandary they are in. He points out the countless good the citizens do in order to counteract the one terrible hidden blight on their society. He practically states that the reason they ARE so good collectively and what makes it such an amazing place to be is the fact that they do share this knowledge of the child’s torment. It does not seem as though the author shares this sentiment of sympathy, and she wants the reader to abhor what is taking place in Omelas and proclaim we would walk away. The narrator views the one who walk away with incredulity. He cannot even begin to describe where it is they go towards, believing it would be even harder to imagine than Omelas. I do not think he could have been one who walked away from Omelas. He seems very resigned to the belief that idealism should be set aside for pragmatism. The willingness of the author to allow us to add any details we like to her story is added to help us visualize its possibility. These minute details don’t change the bones of the story or the meaning behind the words, they simply help us add to the visual picture in our heads. The desolate room the forsaken child resides in is the basis that the entire utopian and beautiful Omelas society rests itself on. The fact that the coming of age of each member of their society is hinged upon their realization of the child and even more tragic viewing of said child is very symbolic. In today’s world we are slowly made aware that not all are provided the luxuries that many of us are lucky to experience. We also generally learn to live with this knowledge, shove it aside and continue on with our lives. We have come to accept that the needs of the many outweigh the few. Some of us, like those who walk out of Omelas choose to stand up against injustices and walk away from it all. Many more of us use justifications as they did, believing that even if the child was let out it would never really live a meaningful life but instead be bound by fear and the mental anguish of its past in the cellar.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Resource Planning and Accounting Informations

Resource Planning and Accounting Informations ERP has become one of the most popularity systems for a company that planning to implement a full ERP system to increase the productivity and efficiency on current business process flow. This report objective will discuss on the definition and function of ERP system, advantages and disadvantages that will bring to an organization after the implementation. Which and what major element and factor that needs to be well taking care for a successful implementation. The major implication of AIS will also further discuss in this report and how AIS will be affected with the implementation of the software. Introduction An Information system (IS) is any combination of Information technology and peoples activities using that technology to support operations, management, and decision making.(Miranda, E., 2010). ERP which is Enterprise Resource Planning is business software systems in different type of industries and companies. (Vala, P., 2010). ERP system is a process of integration of different data and sources from different department of one organization under one single unit system. ERP software that will make sure this integration to be work accurately and effectively. While AIS which stands for Accounting Information system is a computerized system that gather all the data, stores and then processes it into information used by managers, investor and creditors. This information generated from AIS can eventually help the company decision maker to operate organizations more smoothly. Main Body 3.1 Role and Purpose of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems With the growth of technology, everything have found in rapidly changing especially for business environment. Most of the organizations have choosing to implement the ERP software as the best solution which ERP is the only system that designed and developed to integrate and linked all the information among the internal department system. Major role of ERP is to streamline the business operation and workflow. All functional departments that are involved in operations or production can be integrated by using one system, while the elimination of the unnecessary manual work has simplified the business process. Production planning team can directly check for the goods produce process through the latest status updated by production operator. According to Sheldon D.H (2005), ERP maintain the inventory accuracy that enhance the process of tracking on supplier purchased and planning team are able to predict the demand of the market based on input from various department, the system can even schedule a plan when the product shall start produce and when to buy in extra raw material. In finance module, ERP allows a company to maintain their financial information, assist a company save a sum of money for long term while efficiency, performance and productivity will be improved as well. A company is also able to study their processes, earnings, and performance by combining the operation information with the financial information. With this information, a company can become more competitive and productive and so it can gain more customer satisfaction. Perceived benefits and drawbacks for companies of implementing ERPs There are many different type of ERP that serve businesses varying procedure types. With the ERP solution there are numerous benefits after an organization implementing the ERP system example in department of Sales, Human Resource, Finance, Procurement and Production. The ERP system will integrate all the data from other system so that the information will not have to be entered into several systems which will save a real time and manpower for the manual work. Every department information are linked and the sales person no longer need to take time to check with production or warehouse for the goods delivery status, checking with finance on the term on payment This knowledge indirectly can increase the sales performance and improve customer satisfaction. HRM system developed in the payroll module, recruitment module and HR Management module to ease the human resource department in operating their daily workflow and help to increase the efficiency and deliver the best service to their employees. They no longer need to manually count for the thousands of employees salary, overtime, incentive and other allowance. Besides saving up a lot of time, this may also reduce the risk of human error and mistake in calculating. The employees attendances are now even easier with the punch in/out system. By implement the E-pay statement its help the organization to reduce costs and work load of HRD as well, employees can access to corporate intranet to view, to save or to print the pay slip. (Edward, J., 2008) In Production department, most of the organization has using the Baan, BPCS, ERPLN, and ERPLX. It has developed solutions for the company that covers the bar-coding of transactions, such as receiving, put away, cycle counting, production order completions, and shipping. This has increased the productivity and cost reducing. From the warehouse to the shop floor, material and manpower processes become easier, complements and extends the existing ERP applications, empowers users in the production department speed up transactions, and ultimately eliminates the root causes of data inaccuracy. For purchasing department with Purchase Order System, the employees are able to go for electronic market place to order the stationary/ tools and consumable. By clicking a submit button, in about 3 minutes supplier can actually receive the order from the company. This has enhances the information sharing among one company and the supplier. Manager are easily to check which employee are creating the PO and which preferred supplier is selected on the order that its actually ease and shorten the lead time for the process, as lead time is shorten, production operation are able to meet the schedule and on time delivery for orders. Disadvantages of implementing ERP system: The most common disadvantages of implementing an ERP system are the high cost. (OLeary, D. E., 2010). According to Escalle et al, 1999, the cost might be a two o three percent from the revenues for the startup and on-going maintenance fees. Some hidden implementation costs like buying software, hardware, expert consultation fees, staff training cost that will incur to smoothen the project as the implementation process will need the expert consultation and IT administrator in developing this kind of system. (Mabert, V. 2002). The licensing fees can be one of the huge costs that need to be paid annually which depending on the size of the software established. That is why the expensive cost and long times consuming to implement may not be acceptable to each company specially for those small-medium size business. Besides, there is limitation on ERP software customization. ERP system can be a complex and difficult to use software, the organization daily activities will be impacted and usually will involve business process reengineering to fit the current standard process after the ERP implementation. (Benjamin, B. and Paul, A., 2004) There is a risk of failure on the implementation process if an organization did not having a proper planning. Inadequate resources, training, inexperience staff and invest not within budget will bring the company down to winding up too. Role and purpose of Accounting Information Systems (AIS) A primary role of AIS is to fasten the financial transaction recording, accountants that input the financial transaction into the AIS that will create information and financial reporting for review. Besides, AIS also important in support management to get timely information in decision making. AIS are usually web or server based which provide a centralized place where financial data stored, allowing managers have quicker access to review the financial information for that organization. Accountants play roles of tremendous significance in the economy. Without information expertise of accountants, business will be unable to evaluate their cost and profit position, gauge product or business unit performance, or to plan future financial success (Martin, B., 1996). Well-organized AIS will make everyday business a lot easier and more effective (Hall, 2001). How AISs may be affected by the implementation of a full ERP system. Before ERP implementation, finance department employee are still using the pen-paper basis in recording finance transaction, legacy system that only able to focus on one function and cannot be replaced. After the implementation of a full ERP system with SAP, AIS seems to have bigger changes in all the function. SAP that will integrates all the business transaction that entered from different area of operation. Thus, employee from different branches or division can automatically access to review the information at whatever place and however often it is necessary while in a discussion or meeting with the accurate and timely information. Thus, it really saves a great deal of time. AIS will make the accounting activities quicker and accurate as the transaction and records are prepared with the system and this has indirectly reduced human error and mistakes. It is also increased flexibility in information generation and improved quality of reports and financial statements. (Spathis and Constantinides 2003) AIS help to maintain financial control and accountability. (Joel, D. Wisner et al, 2009). Financial information are reliable and up to date all the time in order to prevent the management had use the old and out-dated information for decision making as with the uses of irrelevant data may seriously affect the decision in reducing cost, raise profit, increase sales and purchase new assets and etc. The merged of ERP and AIS has also improving the auditor task while auditing task while performing auditing in the company. Each transaction record can link to other related transaction record or softcopy attachment with just a click. (Anon, 2010) For negative effect, the integration process will be very complex and consume a long period to complete, thus it will incurred a very high cost for an organization. Data security not guarantee safe because info are shared and linked among the module within the ERP system, some of the important financial or business strategic information might easily spread out to the market or competitor that will affect the business strategic. Major Implication of AIS There are several components to the AIS such as transaction processing system, general ledger or financial reporting system and the management reporting system. (Hall, J.A., 2004). Major implications of AIS are to analyzed and determine whether the information should captured by the AIS and its speed up the bookkeeping process which bookkeeping mean to keep track the day to day activities of one organizations income and expenses, to collect necessary financial information for reporting and tax purpose, thereby improving the company profitability. (Anderson, C., 2010) After the bookkeeping process, system will automatically generate those data into information to generate a reporting that will use by both internal and external parties and reporting format may vary from different users for different purpose. (Anderson, C., 2010) Conclusion The implementation of ERP has a big impact for an organization business performance especially in accounting module that help to make the accounting transaction become easier and manageable, thus many of the other small-medium size organization can actually take consideration for implementation of ERP system in order to improve the productivity and efficiency and most importantly to maintain competitive. ERP system that will have drawbacks if the implementation process did not manage correctly, if an organization that required a successful implementation, top management should have a plan ahead that consist of the time consuming, the implementation cost, enough expert consultation on the process and special training provided to their staff.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Passion Of Saints Perpetua And Felicity Essay -- essays research p

The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity The document, â€Å"The Passion of Saints Perpetua and Felicity,† shows just how mighty and fearless the faith of the martyrs were in Rome around 203 A.D. in which our story takes place. During the rule of Diocletian, Christianity was not the religion of popular belief. Many of Romans practiced polytheism. As a result, numerous Christian believers were persecuted for their divine faith in God. Surprisingly, the Christian martyrs did not care that they were sentenced to death. They believed that by dying for what they believe, it would only bring them closer to God and the Gates of Heaven. The document states, â€Å"For this cause have we devoted our lives, that we might do no such thing as this; this we agreed with you† (para. 18). To the martyrs, nothing was more important than fulfilling God’s duties.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The martyrs in the document take on the role of mediator between God and man, spreading the Word of God to the masses of people and the relaying to them his holy message, in a sense taking on the role of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Perpetua, one of the martyrs when confronted about her faith by her father retorts, â€Å"I am Christian† (para.6). Another martyr, Felicity, confidently defends her faith and proclaims it openly by stating, â€Å"Stand fast in the faith, and love you all one another; and be not offended because of our passion† (para.20). This statement portrays to the reader the ...